This year, I am honored to be sharing and hosting an Immersive Tech Symposium session at the SingHealth Duke-NUS Scientific Congress 2023, which is going to be held at The Academia, Singapore. In this session, we have several expert panelists who will be sharing on how you can harness the power of the SGXverse – which stands for Serious Games, Extended Reality (XR) and the metaVERSE – for healthcare practices and education. The synopsis of the session is shown below.

As this Symposium is targeted at healthcare professionals who are interested or just beginning to explore the SGXverse for their practice and training, I (Dr Kevin Yap) will start off by providing a foundational overview of the concepts and types of immersive technologies that have been used for healthcare practices and education/training. This will be followed by Dr Bina Rai (Department of Biomedical Engineering & N.1 Institute for Health, National University of Singapore) who will share her expertise on how to develop serious games for education through the process of design thinking. We will then bring the design frameworks back to how it can be used for the training of clinical reasoning skills, which is a competency that is relevant to any healthcare professional, through the sharing of experiences by Dr Yap Kai Zhen (Department of Pharmacy, National University of Singapore). Finally, we shall end with Mr Kenneth Leung (Boston Consulting Group) who will be sharing on how the new and upcoming field of generative artificial intelligence can be merged with immersive technologies to enhance the SGXverse ecosystem for healthcare.
Join us on this exciting journey to enhance your healthcare and teaching practices through the SGXverse!
Hope to see you there!