
To all Healthcare Serious Games Enthusiasts,

I am excited to conduct our Serious Games Storytelling Masterclass again in Mar 2025! This Masterclass will be a face-to-face session in Singapore, so that we can help guide you more closely in your games story development. There will be lots of interaction, including a hands-on design of your own “play-your-own-adventure” game story, as well as using some Generative AI tools to craft your story. This time round, we have also included a new topic based on upcoming interest in AI – we shall discuss how AI ethics can potentially impact serious games in healthcare!

Learn more about why you should attend this Masterclass in the article below!

If you are a healthcare professional, educator and/or trainer who is considering how to design serious games for your healthcare and education practices, do register using the QR code below or click on this Registration Link to join us on 25th Mar 2025 for our Masterclass!

Resources for the Workshop

For participants of this workshop, you can access the training page here.